How much does a dentist earn?

How much do dentists make

How much does a dentist earn in the first few years of work, and what increases can be expected with increasing professional experience? Questions that are currently important for many employed dentists. Salaries among employed dentists vary a lot. ApoBank provides an initial overview for young professionals. When it comes to the remuneration of employed dentists, a fundamental distinction must be made between activities in a dental practice and activities in a dental clinic (university clinic).

This is what salaried dentists deserve.

The most crucial information in advance: There are no collective agreements for dental practices that can serve as a binding basis. Therefore, the amount of the salary is a matter of negotiation. However, it is recommended that after the assistantship, a gross starting salary of 4,500 euros per month is agreed if it is a fixed salary. Usually, an additional share in the employed dentist’s practice income is decided upon in addition to the fixed salary. This is usually around 15 to 25 percent.

However, The monthly fixed salary for employed dentists is set lower (approx. 3,500 euros per month) if they participate in the turnover. For example, if the self-generated turnover is 20,000 euros per month and the turnover share grant is from 14,000 euros, the excess of 6,000 euros gives a 25 percent share of 1,500 euros. However,  This increases the total gross salary to 5,000 euros per month.

However, If employed dentists do not agree to share in the turnover, the fixed salary increases with increasing professional experience. After ten to twenty years, the fixed salary can rise to 65,000 to 85,000 euros per year.

Specializations for dentists pay off.

Meanwhile, Specialist dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, or from the public health sector, and employed dentists with additional qualifications, such as periodontists, receive a higher fixed salary in most cases. This can be between 45,000 and 115,000 euros per year.

Are you working in the country or the city?

In addition, the location of the workplace also reflects in the salary of employed dentists. If the practice locates in a rural area with a population between 20,000 and 100,000, an average fixed salary (excluding revenue sharing) of 55,000 euros per year can expect.

In the big city, with 100,000 or more, employed dentists earn a little more. There they can expect an average gross salary of 60,000 euros per year.

Dental practices and medical care centers

In dental practices, the salaries of the employed dentists are a matter of negotiation. Collective agreements do not exist. The German Working Hours Act designs the working hours of employed dentists. This results in the working hours listed below for the employed dentist.

Salary and working hours

  •    However, If only a fixed salary pays after the assistantship, advisors recommend agreeing on a gross starting salary of 4,500 euros per month.
  • In most cases, however, the salary agrees as a combination of a fixed salary plus an additional share in the practice income made by the employed dentist – from a specified minimum turnover. This revenue share is usually 15 to 25 percent.
  • If a fixed salary plus a share of the turnover agree upon, the employed dentists usually start with a gross income of approx. 3,500 euros per month (35,000 to 45,000 euros per year). In addition, there is a share of sales from self-generated sales. For example, if this was 20,000 euros per month and the revenue share grant from 14,000 euros, a 25 percent participation is 1,500 euros (25 percent of 6,000 euros). The total gross salary in this example is therefore 5,000 euros. This salary model includes financial security downwards and a motivating factor upwards.
  • The fixed salary increases with increasing professional experience. After 10 to 20 years, the gross income (excluding revenue sharing) can amount to 65,000 to 85,000 euros per year.
  • Specialist dentists (orthodontics, oral surgery, public health) or dentists with additional qualifications (periodontics, endodontics, etc.) often receive a higher gross income (45,000 to 115,000 euros per year without revenue sharing).

The amount of the salary usually varies with the catchment area.

  • Medium-sized town (20,000 to 100,000 inhabitants): Average of 55,000 euros gross per year (excluding revenue sharing)
  • Big city (> 100,000 inhabitants): Average gross of 60,000 euros per year (excluding revenue sharing)
  • In principle, the daily working time must not exceed 8 hours.
  • The working time can extend to up to 10 hours per day. If an average of 8 hours per working day does not exceed within six calendar months or 24 weeks.
  • As a rule, employed dentists do not have to work on Sundays or public holidays.
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