Remove pimple marks – there are these options

How to remove pimple marks

In addition to the already mentioned micro-needling, there are other ways to treat pimple marks and accelerate their healing. How to remove pimple marks, However, some require treatment from a dermatologist and are very costly. You will now find out which alternatives are available and how they work.

Chemical peels for pimple marks

Alpha Hydroxy Acids ( AHA ) are often recommended when fighting stubborn pimple marks. These acids include glycolic acid and lactic acid. How to remove pimple marks Both acids can reduce hyperpigmentation caused by healed acne or imperfections. This is due to their peeling effect, which brings out new and smooth skin. Furthermore, alpha-hydroxy acids easily bind water. In this way, they give the skin cells valuable moisture and elasticity.

When it comes to chemical peelings, it is essential to feel your way slowly. Start with lower concentrations and only exfoliate once a week. How to remove pimple marks Chemical peelings are always irritating to the skin, which is why sensitive skin should prefer to use milder acids such as lactic acid or enzyme peelings. An enzyme peeling is very suitable here. If you use chemical peelings, sun protection is an absolute must to protect your skin from damage. 

Remove pimple marks using laser and light therapy.

Laser and light therapy are some of the most effective methods to pimples times to remove. Dermatologists should only carry out this treatment. How to remove pimple marks As a rule, treatment with lasers and high-energy flash lamps (IPL) is not enough. Instead, it takes five to six applications to remove the stains. After repeated use, the skin appears more beautiful and more even. The positive effect occurs through photo thermolysis. This means that waves and impulses heat pigment cells and damage them. Ultimately, the human body breaks down the residue and pimple marks.

The number of applications depends on the severity of the infestation and the size of the pimple marks. The disadvantage of laser treatment is that it is costly compared to other treatment methods. Good skincare is required for this treatment. The reason is that it is capable of damaging surrounding tissue. In rare cases, the application even creates more pimple marks.

Healing chalk masks to lighten the pimple marks

Even if there is no scientific proof of this effect, many users report the positive results of healing chalk regarding pimple marks. Since the powdery chalk has a slightly bleaching effect, the skin tone becomes even, and discoloration fades faster. In addition, such a mask is full of natural minerals. It has a cleansing effect, promotes blood circulation, and nourishes the skin.

Lighten pimples marks with home remedies? 

Whether it’s garlic, red wine, vinegar, or lemon juice, the list of home remedies used for pimple marks goes on and on. There is no scientific evidence that home remedies help with hyperpigmentation or light pigment spots. For this reason, dermatologists advise against using them. Many of the home remedies advertised on online forums are also irritating and can even cause severe damage to your skin. We also strongly advise against self-experiments with various bleaches to remove pimple marks. These contain chemicals that often make the condition of the skin worse. We are happy to recommend high doses of BPO creams that should be applied selectively. We strongly recommend using this method only in close consultation with a dermatologist.  

Preventing pimples marks – what you can do yourself 

To prevent pimple marks, it makes sense to avoid the cause – namely the pimples. However, this is not as easy to do because we often have little influence on many of the factors that promote spots, such as stress, tension, or even a hormonal imbalance. However, there are a few things that can help prevent breakouts. A thorough cleaning is a basis. Take off your make-up thoroughly every evening and pay attention to high-quality, skin-friendly cleaning products for your skin type. You should avoid aggressive surfactants or soap because they dry out the skin and cause increased sebum production. 

But once the pimple is there, other points can prevent the development of the pimple marks. One of the essential protectors against any pigment shift is your sun protection factor. Protection against UV radiation is fundamentally an elementary aspect of healthy and beautiful skin. However, if you are prone to pimple marks or other hyperpigmentation, you shouldn’t even leave the house without SPF. It is best to opt for a day cream with a sun protection factor of at least 20 all year round. If you spend longer in the sun, you should use sunscreen with SPF 50.

While tempting, you should avoid squeezing the pimple yourself or constantly touching it with dirty fingers. Vitamin C can also be used to care for impurities and to prevent pimple marks. Vitamin C gently brightens the skin and stimulates natural collagen production. Applied at an early stage, it counteracts the development of pimple marks.

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